T14 Abraão - P. de Dois Rios
T14 - Abraão - Dois Rios 6800 m / 7000 m - 3h (medium level - very steep circuit).
Good trail because it has sections of a road, it goes along the path of the old prison. It is not allowed to stay overnight in Dois Rios.
T14 is very popular with those who are looking for the beauties of Dois Rios beach, as well as those who will venture out on wilder trails, such as Pico do Papagaio, Caxadaço and Parnaioca.
In addition to the beach being beautiful, in each corner of it flows a river, which before launching into the sea, form pools that give all the charm and peculiarity to this true wonder.
On the way you will have as attractions the Curva da Morte Viewpoint, Soldados Pool, few restaurants, Nossa Senhora do Bom Despacho Chapel, Prison Museum - former, Ilha Grande Prison, Beach and the two rivers that give name to the place.
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Thais Melo

Distance: 6,800m - 7,000m
Time: 2h30min - 3h
Level: Heavy
Maximum altitude: 350m
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